An antiquated Cockney expression for an erection, generally utilized by sailors and dockworkers.
Lordy, the Lassie was giving me quite the Storm Rising with the low cut blouse!
Texting from a blackberry storm that make no sense because Blackberry Storm are so hard to type on.
"Hey Brian, are you going to the game tonight?"
"Sorry, it's the damn storm talk."
"Hey Brian, what time is the movie?"
"Brian! Quit with the fucking storm talk!"
a 12 year old girl on google+ who is an ambivert that loves her boyfriend, hamilton, steven universe, heathers, harry potter, drawing, and animal jam. shes in an uncomfortable situation where shes hiding her depressin feelings from the internet but those feelings get stronger so she has to pretend shes haply but shes a mess. shes also very shy and doesnt like talking to new people, but doesnt like feeling so isolated and alone from her friends. but shh, lets not be edgy
storm the pug is a sensitive shy pug,be patient with her, she'll become her weird ass self once she'll know you more
The 28th of July of every year since 2004
A day when it is customary to jerk off to storm star
Civilian : Hey did you hear that Storm star appreciation day is coming up?
Victim: oh no, I’ve already beat my meat to him yesterday!
The act of your significant other taking a handful of laxatives, whilst shoving a half a bag of sand up their arse. Then, while you lay down, they squat over you and once the laxatives kick in they spray the sandy poop all over your face.
It was so hard to wash my sheets I had to throw them away because I gave Shaniqua a sahara sand storm last night
A legendary state that exists only in Rob's mind that states that one owns all three magic monkeys (A, D and M).
Rob is delusional in his thoughts that he has the mythical perfect storm.
A phrase dating back to ancient times and used by many cultures, meaning that one often releases a fart before pooping. Most frequently used as a warning to young children who still sometimes poop in their pants.
Ancient Mayan child: *farts*
Ancient Mayan father: “Son, heed this papyrus. It was left by our ancestors to warn us that a fart comes before the storm. You must seek a toilet before it is too late.”
Ancient Mayan child: *doesn’t listen; shits his pants*
Pilgrim child: *farts*
Pilgrim mother: “As the good lord has taught us, child, a fart comes before the storm. You must seek out a toilet before you soil your pantaloons.”
Pilgrim child: *doesn’t listen; shits his pants*
Modern child: *farts*
Modern father: “Seek out and sit upon thy toilet, young one, lest ye fill your britches with turd of brown. For as the Bard once wrote, a fart cometh before thy storm.”
Modern mother: “You’re gonna make him weird if you keep talking to him like that.”
Modern child: *exits the room to find a toilet* “Just kidding!” *doesn’t listen; shits his pants*