TV, Trump Violates. (v) a neologism for "I did the crime, but will do no time."
I TV'd that stop sign like a banshee.
Honey, have you finished your report yet? No mom, I was too busy watching Pretty Little Liars on TV
TV is for dumb European 1800s people to use it while attacking Muslim in the South it's purpose is to ensure everyone is sacrificed to turtles
TV is boring because I only watch stuff with my
18inch Samsung Television.
Short for Trump voter . An acronym for a full and complete retard who has no moral compass .
That TV thinks that windmills really do cause cancer .
A tv stands for tiny vagina just like my friend ethan he has so many tv's and anybodys name that is ethan,anthony, and chance has a tv .
Omg he has a tv what a weirdo.
short for 'Too Verbose', the way you go when you try to hide incovenient facts.
i can explain!
u r TV already.