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bhelor belt

A phrase you use if your from westwood/chad, its equivalent to "oh shit" a word to use when your shocked. Originated from the one and only shakz (also known as shakeal amin)

Person 1 Amzy: Yo my bro ive got a new dinger jump in!
Person 2 Shakz: Bhelor beltttt! My donny get out the whip its mine now

by Armanul- Atif Haque November 24, 2021

Gimble belt

A belt designed for fishing, no matter how big the fish is. They are designed to protect the boys whilst wetting a line. Professionals will say that the gimble belt is only needed when the fish is 10 to 15 plus kilos. Dont listen to them

Oi mate, why you got that gimble belt on that fish is tiny.

Because im allowed to do whatever the f**k i like

by Fishinman060606 May 19, 2019

Black Belt

When a white male achieves a nigger cock

Don't mess with Dian he's a black belt

by Bossy boy January 3, 2017

Black Belt

When you finally become a black belt you graduated the entry exam to practice the real stuff so now your martial arts gi like karate gi will go up in color too like black belt did. The top gi is your upper body level ranking and the bottom pants gi is for your waist down power ranking and mastery. Red being the highest ranking. Bright deep blood red , to signify how deadly you are that all enemies will beware of you. It’s above black belt color etc. red is the color of Gods.

Black belt is just the beginning

by Megasus Thirst Jesus Christ June 9, 2022

Above the belt lesbian

A drunk girl that is only lesbian above the waist.

Ole cami got drunk and started being an above the belt lesbian on Mrs. Sara the librarian

by Str8up8up1 February 14, 2023

Conveyor belt

A product used on a conveyor

Conveyor belt is our main product

by nana li July 11, 2023

Conveyor belt

Conveyor Accessories

Conveyor belt is our main product

by nana li July 11, 2023