When you and your friend get in a fight, and the shorter one comes out on top screaming OHHHHH YEAAAAAAA
Man I like how at the party last night you pulled the old Macho Man Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan act.
A very illegal drug. A mix of bleach, marijuana, meth, and heroine. Its possible to smoke it or shoot it up.
Dude, you tried to kill me and your family after you did some of The Randy Savage.
A savage who's first letter of there name starts with an M. They're a destined MC. They are extremely poetic, sexy, and sus. They will appear gay to women, but in the end M-Savage fucks them in bed.
Woah, M-Savage is trying to steal my girlfriend.
Someone who is not only a gangster but also a savage. The two out together is a undeniable and undefeated force. 1/10 recommend fucking with them.
That’s Sierre girl is a Gangster Savage.
Massive nonce and could easily get murked by a Toddler
person 1: "Is that Savage Fight Kid?"
person 2: "Yeah, I wouldn't approach him, he's a weirdo"
Die Ecke x DHTH x T-Town Savages is one hella lit group. You usually see them at Hip Hop festivals. They smoke a lot of Jürre and Crack Cocaine. They're so lit that you should watch them from a distance so won't get blind. Once they were so lit that the sun got depressions and felt worthless. But if you have Jürre or beer they'll party with you and have a chlatschi time with you.
Oh shiiiiit! Your dick is almost as big as the dicks from the guys of Die Ecke x DHTH x T-Town Savages.
Savage Hummingbird is a premium quality clothing brand that allows you to look and feel as amazing as you are because you are fierce yet filled with finesse and attractiveness. Dare to wear Savage Hummingbird clothing.
Just as a hummingbird’s wings cannot be captured with sight alone; you will not get to feel the comfort of Savage Hummingbird clothing if you don’t purchase it!