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queef laughing

It's when you laugh so hard that you queef 69 million times in a row

"I was queef laughing when I saw the size of his dick"

by sayumtheyayum July 19, 2021

wicked laugh

A female who laughs like a hoe. Usually they have basic names like Taylor and Emily.

person one: have you heard her laugh?

person two: she’s got a wicked laugh!

by reality’sCheck November 13, 2021

Carpenter’s Laugh

happens when you realize ya dicks so long you could quintuple knot it and still have anough to sell to the local pharmacy

Man 1 bro i think ive got carpenter’s laugh
Man 2 *dies*

by greenschoolbus October 11, 2018

Horror Laugh

1) VER. A horror laugh is where something horrible happens.....to someone else.

Ex1. A child runs full speed, screaming annoyingly into a glass door. All present adults horror laugh before enjoying the silence and checking for a pulse.

Ex2. Tommy, "Yeah, so I thought the night couldn't get much worse after I slipped and fell ass first onto her new suction cup dildo....Until she pat me on the back and said that it was 'meant for me the whole time'..."
Jack, *horror laugh* "Ohhhohoh...haha awww that heh heh. That's sucks buddy."

by CrazyFireVato September 30, 2017


Exhibiting the same level of enthusiasm and volume when engaged in a perceived moment of humor by one member of a conversation

He showed me a picture of Yoda with a grammar book in his lap and burst into obnoxious laughter, I couldn't muster the energy to match-laugh.

by sonicstagecoach January 18, 2018

if I’m mad and I start laughing RUN

If I’m mad and I start laughing RUN” can be used in two different ways, someone might say it to joke around OR
A UwU susy Baka girl/boy might say if someone makes them mad.

UwU:I LUV mha!!! :3 :p
Person 1:bro shut up you have said that at least 3 times WE ALL KNOW
UwU: hey! You should never t say that you might make me sad🥺👉🏼👈🏼
Person 2: yo person 1 isn’t wrong and plus what are you gonna do about it?
UwU:if I’m mad and I start laughing RUN *starts laughing*

by Bb_gurlllll July 7, 2023

Laugh react

If you hit the laugh react in an online argument; your opponents words lose all their meaning.

Ian "Why do idiots hit the laugh react in arguments?"

Hym "Because they think it delegitimizes your words."

Iam "Huh... This new brand is tearing up my gums my guy... Ouch!"

Hym "Don't say the name of the brand! They haven't given us money yet. Oh, hey I got a riddle for you: Everyone tells me my movie sounds like it was written by someone other than me. Who am I?"

by Hym Iam May 10, 2022