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Flaming diamond sword

The weapon of choice used by chemists to kill all members of isis and their children.

The chemist ran through the battle slicing up bullets and killing isis babies with the flaming diamond sword stoned off his ass on crudest row.

by cockmouthbrandon March 12, 2015

sword watching

To look at a man's penis or crotch.

Anne did some sword watching at the park

by zaitz July 10, 2016

Sword Swapper

A guy who doesn’t mind fornicating with a woman after another guy has already done so with that woman.

“Man, that new girl next door has had her eye on you for weeks.”

I hear you man but I’m not a sword swapper, she’s guaranteed to have indulged in some non PG actions already.

by Allknowingbutstillgrowing October 11, 2022


1: (noun) A long, knife-like weapon designed to cut, slash, stab and thrust

2: (verb) To be attacked with a sword

3: (noun) A dick

1: Getting hit by a sword doesn't feel good.

2: James just got sworded. He's not getting up from that one.

3: Larry stuck his sword in Jessie's pussy.

by zombieman132 January 6, 2014


i long piece of metal that is very sharp and has a handle

i have a katana sword

by klaeo January 26, 2022


a sword is just a realy long and sharp butter knife

p1 :hey dude have you seen my sword?
p2: I think p3 is using it to make a toast

by shkpp June 10, 2021



The sword will cut you

by OOFOOFOOOFOOF December 3, 2019