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pigskin pussy

1. when a broad has one of theose slimmey clammy cunts,that looks dead and devours cocks like a venus flytrap

2. when a shaved pussy resembles a bowl of pork rinds

3. her pussy reminded me of 3 pounds of head cheese left out in the sun for a few hours

man i had my cock in a chick with pigskin pussy, the labia had like thorns and ratty hairs and shit,, was like fucking a sty!!

hey man,, i just fucked a chick with pigskin pussy she told me the jets would win if i did man did i get fucked big time, reminded me of a bowl of pork rinds !!

jesus ,, did you get a wiff of that pussy, reminded me of old head cheese

by Dpcx Alpha Male August 26, 2009

99๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

alligator pussy

Pussy so tight feels like a alligators bite when you put your dick in it

That bitch had a mean case of alligator Pussy last night didnโ€™t know if I could pull it out

by powerchocker October 19, 2017

31๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pussy Beggar

Guys that validate themselves through women and rate their value by female approval. They will do anything to grab the attention of women even if it is degrading, foolish or illegal.
These men tend to be completely ignorant of what womenโ€™s interests truly are because women say one thing and do another like all human beings. Something that these men complain about online when their plans backfire or a woman does not respect them because their week weโ€™ll. They may spend most of their time on Facebook posting messages on girlโ€™s walls and liking their photos in a desperate attempt to get womenโ€™s approval or to get laid. Even though this behaviour might decrease their chances they still continue with self-exploitation to grab womenโ€™s attention.
This man may get sex very rarely due to its lack of self-confidence but when he does it brags about it to every man he sees to get their approval. Though men may find this behaviour this tasteful as well.
This behaviour can be categorised by over willingness to help our women to his detriment. Become overburdened by female concerns as his status as a man declines. He also may damage his of the relationships with men by selling them out in the vain hope that he will get womenโ€™s approval or sexual intercourse.


1 Mangina
2 Pussy Whipped

1 Wow that man is such a Pussy Beggar.

2 Really? I thought he was gay.

by Cheeky Bastard Gaming Icon September 8, 2015

31๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pop that pussy

When a woman bends over and makes the asscheeks clap out sideways, like in the porn videos, and the pussy opens and closes a little bit when the cheeks go outwards

Ayo ma, when you gonna pop that pussy for a real nigga

by Big Bean 420 May 28, 2020

327๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž

pussy blind

A person who is pussy blind is so into his woman that he fails to see her bad qualities and thinks she is perfect. Often upon breaking up with this woman he loses his pussy blindness and actually works out that she was in fact a complete bitch. Ah well it happens to the best of us.

Bro James is so pussy blind, he doesn't even realize that Charlotte is a complete ho.

by vagatarian September 30, 2009

53๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ashtray pussy

Noun: a malodorous feminine genital aroma/taste resulting from excessive smoking.

Ashtray pussy syndrome has resulted in a rate of second date cancellations/no-shows roughly paralleling the rate of smoking among young American females since the mid-1980's.

by Speedog 2 December 25, 2010

59๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

pussy H

Below the clitty but under the city. Not to be confused pussy hole, because it is NOT that. Be sure to capitalize the H because lowercase h means an entirely different thing.

OOOOO my pussy H is burning up from my yeast infection.

addison rae broke her pussy H from bryce hall's big meaty fist. now we know the story behind the TIKTOKROOM allegations

by Addison raes pussy h mommy March 3, 2021

23๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž