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TikTok Moderation

B@$ic@lly y0u h@ve t0 c3ns0r ev3ryt#!ng, ev3n !f !t i$ ju$t @ t!ny b!t rvd3 0r n@ug#ty. Ev3n w0rds th@t ar3n't 0ff3ns!ve @re b@nn3d.

I had to censor "pain" because it is banned on TikTok. TikTok Moderation is very terrible.

by rest-stop-999 April 18, 2024

TikTok NPC syndrome

The definition of someone being diagnosed with the TikTok NPC syndrome just for money and gifts on tiktok.

I think Jesse has the TikTok NPC syndrome. She has been doing actions only NPCS do on her recent TikTok live streams!

by I_excreteSeaMenOnBigAsses August 20, 2023

nepeta from tiktok

the biggest nao egokoro simp ever. he is simping for nao 24/7

"hey have you heard of nepeta from tiktok"
"yeah he's a huge nao simp"

by nepeta January 3, 2021

tiktok rizz party

the tiktok rizz party was a 16th birthday party in which a group of boys attended. a video was taken of these boys dancing to the song 'carnival' by kayne west, which later went viral. this influenced many to make edits and 'tiktok rizz party lore' videos.

person 1: have you seen the tiktok rizz party lore?
person 2: yeah, who's your favourite member?
person 1: turkish quandale dingle is my fave! i ship him with the group leader.

by rarij4ck April 25, 2024

Tiktok Rizz Party

someones sweet 16 that got turned into “tiktok rizz party” after a video of some kids swaying to kanye west carnival went viral. they now all have lore and people are shipping these random kids. main members are tomato kid, blue tie, turkish quandale dingle, white shirt, and two kids trying to join in.

“The tiktok rizz party looked like such a great time
“Im sure it was”

by frankocean77 April 26, 2024

tiktok rizz party

a word used mostly by SST students

alr what we doign for the class par-

by edrftgyhujijhygtfdewerftgyhjkm May 15, 2024

TikTok Rizz Party

A TikTok Rizz Party started on TikTok (obviously) it’s a party where a bunch of teens dance to the song carnival and sway around like they’re the main characters…also Turkish quandale dingle is my man and now that I said it nobody else can say it

Person 1-Hey did u see the TikTok rizz party on TikTok?
Person 2-Haha yea it’s so funny it’s literally brainrot

Person 1-yea but Turkish quandale dingle is so fine
Person 2-hey you can’t say that cuz safia already said that and she mogs u

by June 13, 2024