Getting sex from a woman solely on the fact that you are in possession of high quality marijuana.
John: Man, I banged that hot chick Alice from biology.
Joe: What? Bro, all that girl wants is your bud, she ain't pitching in jack. Is it really worth the sex?
John: I dunno man, I love sex more than weed, so weed pussy is worth it to me.
A community in which members take turns retrieving weed for the group to share.
Oleg - "What is a weed family?"
Mike - "A weed family is FUCKYOU"
A pothead that never pays for their share of weed.
guy 1: "Hey, you gonna chip in for this weed?"
guy 2: "No"
guy 1: "OK, so you're just gonna bum it off of me you Weed Leech!?"
Bomb ass weed you find in your cities worst ghetto. Usually smells like shit.
Person 1: Aye man you got some weed on you?
Person 2: Yeah man I got some of that hood weed from Orange Mound.
Person 1: Oh shit we gon be blowin good dope tonight!
Everyone who smokes the good green
Jonny is part of the weed community
To be on "liberty weed", is the description of partaking of extravagant activities, in a common scenario.
"I'm on that liberty weed 24/7.", "Sunny takes that liberty weed gei gei."
Someone who is so addicted to weed, they steal your money and scam you to support their addiction and never match with you.
"You trying to match with Jessie at the park?"
me: "Nah, Jessie is a weed fiend."