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Wife Beater

A male white ribbed tank top which has been around since the early 1900's and was very popular as an undergarment before the t-shirt came into common usage.

The shirt acquired the nickname "Wife Beater" in the late 1980's due to the popularity of police reality shows like "Cops" where it seemed like a disproportionately high number of men who were arrested for episodes of domestic violence, as well as other crimes, were wearing a shirt like this.

The main reasons why this garment seem to be favored by men like this are:

1. It's cheap. Many men in this demographic tend to not have a lot of disposable income and, because of the low amount of material that is used to create the shirt, they can be bought in large quantity for very little money.

2. It's good to wear on hot days. Again, because of lack of income, many of the men seen in shows like "Cops" live in unairconditioned homes or trailers which can become extremely hot in warm weather. The design and thinness of the material in the shirt makes it a good option to try and get some relief from the oppressive heat.

Did you see that guy the cops were hauling away was wearing a wife beater? Big surprise, huh?

by Sodakak September 15, 2016

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1.plural of wife-beater ( also refered to as wifebeater)
2. a gruop of little bitches that compensate for their little peepees(penis) by harming their wives. AKA a pussy

1."man she looks hot wearing a black bra under a white wife-beater!"
2.a gathering of burt reynolds' is called a flock of wife-beaters

by bleucanadianbeaver July 27, 2006

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military wife

a woman who has decided that they have nothing better to do with their life than sit at home while their husband is at work paying for their manies and pedies while they rant and complain about the long hours and deployments that he must go on. A military wife is the epitome of misery and her main goal in life is to inflict misery on the world. Misery needs company as they say and she has plenty of it. She always seems to think that being a mom of one child is a contribution to her household and that her house never needs cleaning. Gossip and back stabbing are her only enjoyments in life but she even tends to screw those up too.

Gawd! You're being such a military wife!

by the ring isnt everything January 21, 2011

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wife beater

a disgusting name to name a shirt

dude, look at me, i'm wearing a wife beater.

by NA Again May 16, 2009

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wife beater

A looser.

Dude, your a wife beater.

by Seemore Butts March 23, 2003

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man with wife

A completely average guy suffering the realization that his marriage (long-term committed relationship) has slowly devolved into a lonely, sexless living arrangement, usually involving an unhealthy frequency of sad masturbation.

My relationship used to include sex and great conversations, but I've come to the realization that I am now just a man with wife.

by Man With Wife June 3, 2011

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wifee airs

A pair of tennis shoes made by nike

I just got me some wifee airs from the shoe store.

by L-boogie June 23, 2003

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