A subreddit that finds shitty movie details
Person 1:What's your favorite subreddit
Person 2:r/shittymoviedetails
r/onlyaloysians is a subreddit focused on providing latest information on the famous St. Aloysius College Mangalore.
I had got that info from r/onlyaloysians
Visitor, get the rocket.
A subreddit where Fortnite-related cringe, terrible posts, and other stuff get posted onto. Basically r/noahgettheboat but Fortnite-related. Browze it at your own risk. What is typically found there is weird fetish porn, cringe from places like twitter, instagram, reddit, tik tok, etc, and overall a lot of Fortnite-related weirdness.
Warning: Spending more than one minute on the subreddit may cause the following; loss of will to live, obtaining a new fetish you never knew you had, changing sexualities, intense cringing, becoming a femboy, and death.
Person 1: What is your favorite subreddit?
Person 2: r/visitorgettherocket
Person 1: Oh, so you have no will to live, got it.
A sub reddit were the best kind of Trump reigns supreme
Guy 1: r/angryupvote and r/tecnicallythetruth are basically the same thing
Guy 2: r/tecnicallythetruth
The guy with the dog. It would be really funny if it got ran over.
Hey that’s Kaden R. His dog got run over.
That one cute guy that all the girls fall for.
Alex R. Is so fricking sexy
-literally everyone
A subreddit (reddit forum) dedicated mainly to hating furries, and showing off questionable or unintentionally funny posts made by members of the furry fandom.
*As for most fandoms, it isn’t representitive of its entirety, but that didn’t stop most people from making cringe-focused communities...*
I’m not going to place an example because i would be misleading. Go look into r/yiffinhell yourself and don’t get on my back.