Buzz is the legend you want and need. What an absolute hustler, constantly pulling rabbits out of his hat! Always trying to be there for everyone to support and encourage them.
Every single woman’s favourite at night, is the Buzz. Buzzzzzzzzzzz
Buzz is also not to messed with, even those with extreme patients and kindness can hide a dark side.
Sahara lives all alone and has nothing but buzz to comfort her at night.
Thank god for buzz in my life, where there’s a buzz there’s a way.
You should have left Buzz alone, now he his coming for you
Not the best looking guy, but not he’s not like anyone else. This usually is his nickname and everyone calls him it so it just stuck. But he can be sensitive and annoying but he is a loving, caring, retarted, and smart ass boy.
There goes buzz playing basketball
The feeling of sobering up like blue balls for drinking blue buzz. THe feeling of being extremly buzzed and just stop drinking or a conversation killer
Yo last night I had the worst blue buzz.
V. To involuntarily awaken at 3 a.m. after a night of drinking. Most commonly experienced by middle aged people who used to use alcohol to help them sleep.
Got buzz jolted out of bed last night because of those whiskey shots and didn't get back to sleep until 5!