A really hot girl named Chloe she is really attractive.
Damn Chloe’s hot
Chloe Schroeder is the most amazing person that you will ever meet. If she tells you her secrets you know that you are something special. She is the sweetest and nicest girl that guy could ever imagine. On the days that you are down she is the one person that will make you feel better. If you are lonely you can think of her and suddenly you are not as lonely. She is the best girlfriend a man could ever wish for, sweet, caring, and always knows exactly what u want. If a man had a girlfriend like Chloe Schroeder they would be the luckiest person in the world. She is always willing to do anything. She is a risk taker, and a caretaker. She uses her mind in the best way possible. She is a very brilliant women with many talents. She is very athletic and caring. She creates a love that can only be expressed by feelings, it is so strong it is hard to put into words. She is the reason why some people can sleep peacefully at night and get up in the morning. She has a great personality and the most beautiful smile that you have ever seen. Her face is irresistible and hard not to look at. Chloe Schroeder is the type of person that will comfort you when you are going through a hard situation. She is always by your side, extremely forgiving and will never hold a grudge. She can keep a secret, you could trust your life on her and never have a worry that she will tell anyone. Overall Chloe Schroeder is the brightest best and most beautiful person that I have ever see.
Guy 1: Chloe Schroeder is so hot
Nick Nelson: she is so nice, cute, kind, loving, and beautiful
A lesbian hippopotamus widely known in the mexican region for being sketchy asf.
Girl 1- Did you see her snorting cocaine
Girl 2- Shes probaly a Chloe Vernon
smart, loves Grady amazing cute best friend you could ever have
Chloe Beth is cute , gives valentine gifts big ones ,
Chloe with no eyebrows is usually a hoe. And thats why a chloe with no eyebrow is also called hoey chloe. She prob also got spidermaned but she won't admit it.
Oh my gawwwwd chloe wth no eyebrows got spidermaned again!!!
Damn chloe with no eyebrows does not look like mia khalifa at alllll.
When a girl starts a blowie but then leaves you to finish yourself off by hand while they sit next to you and wait.
Man, that chick gave me a Chloe Blowie last night. It was really awkward.