Source Code

St. Christopher's Necklace

Similar to a pearl necklace but given to you as a child by your dad or uncle.
You were thrilled at the attention it brought you but you feel shame, just like Catholicism taught you.

Everytime he unhooked the chain, he remembered clearly, the smells of his drunken father's breath as he gave him his first St. Christopher's Necklace

by Gabe Dertz May 19, 2021

Christopher braxen

Greatest rapper in history. He’s got hit songs like Ghetto life, Melbourne and IMH. One a kind guy must check him out.

Christopher braxen is the greatest rapper

by Random fan of Christopher February 25, 2021

christopher kelly

Christopher is a man who really enjoys playing Pokémon go with the hoes.

That guy is playing Pokémon go! He is such a Christopher Kelly

by My name is boi69 April 19, 2017

Christopher mittel

Phx Ninja 42 juGGalo a...awesome amazing man that will always have your back and is loyal af to a fault and is a mine

Christopher mittel is truely and honestly the man of your dreams dont let him get away

by Stephanie fiore February 17, 2021

Christopher Flatt

An awesome guy who cooks excellent soups! And has great taste in hats.

That soup has definitely been Christopher flatted

by Watchingforredflags December 18, 2022

christopher and kilea

At first the Kilea doesn't know what to do about the lovfelt Christopher but eventually they figure things out and they have some hard struggles but eventually live happily ever after

The Christopher and Kilea learn how to love each other

by Blah Blah XD April 9, 2019

Christopher Matheo Willumstad

Stor chain rundt kuken og har alltid litt ost å spise under forhuden. Og karen like ralph lauren. Han eier også et kondomeri og bar, og har øyne over 1000 kondomer.

hey christopher matheo willumstad! you got some spare cheese?

by errevs January 2, 2024