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Clay core

Clay core, is when someone is changed rapidly after something happens, for example when you put a clay project in the over and it explodes, clay core is when something changes quickly and rapidly after a situation, often in a way that negatively effects their, or other perception of them

When it got out that she cheated, it was so clay core. she outright denied it

by livingjammie April 9, 2024


Clay-Core is an expression for when someone quickly changed their act after a negative situation, specifically of one that is not in their favor, rapidly and quickly changing, like a lump of clay on a pottery wheel, However Clay-Core can also be used in a positive way, like when someone goes from rude to nice, common changed etc, that dont follow after a negative experience/situation

“When they were confronted, they completely denied it”

Oh my god, thats so Clay-Core

by livingjammie April 9, 2024

cored like an apple

when you raid someone so hard in rust you core em like an apple

clan 1: did clan 3 get raided?
clan 2: yeah they got cored like an apple

by Oracuda September 15, 2021

McKenzie/Mackenzie cores

Likes every color, doesn’t like pop culture, hates school, loves playing

The McKenziecore decidied to be playing with purple toys today, McKenzie core. Your name is probably McKenzie, or Mackenzie. You just wanted to join the NAME-CORE trend. Definition: McKenzie/Mackenzie cores has a playful spirit, and has passionate feeling for loved ones, they are very sensitive.

by Kz M January 12, 2022

sore core loser

The same as sore loser

Just because you lost, doesn't mean you get to stay mad, you sore core loser

by PureWTF June 15, 2017

lobotomy core

A term originating from tiktok describing content where women are portrayed as happily accepting a situation that's probably not something they would have chosen for themselves, i.e. as though they had been given a lobotomy.

She didn't even have any lines in the movie, she's just there, staring. lobotomy core at its finest.

by x67 May 1, 2024

disco core

A mix of 70s and 80s disco and indie rock. Also can be seen as "discoxcore" or dxc.

An example of Disco Core is the band Justice.

by stovetopsara April 21, 2008