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Double Stunna

The situation that is created when two people simultaneously post up at the urinals and are unable to urinate due to awkwardness. Both people must abort their attempts for the situation to be considered an orthodox double stunna - extremely rare.

I was in the handicapped stall and I saw Rufus and Cornelius execute a picture perfect Double Stunna.

by 4dm1n December 11, 2008

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

double under

After a long night of drinking, when you need to puke and shit at the same time, you bring the trash can between your legs while on the toilet and squeeze as hard as you can. This act can be seen as pinching a raw sausage in the middle and pushing the meat out of the casing from both ends. If severely hungover, this is the best case scenario to efficiently exhume all remnants from the night before. Male side effects from this maneuver usually cause awkward boners.

" Man, John pulled the double under this morning. He must have had one hell of a night!"

by whiskyshits March 11, 2014

Double Rubbing

A two fisted hand hand job or two fisted wank.

I got a big cock so she she was double rubbing.

by Eaton Holgoode January 31, 2018

Double Flexative

When two people try to flex on eachother, they get cancelled out.

โ€œYo, I got AirPodsโ€
โ€œIโ€™ve got a Rolexโ€
โ€œLooks like weโ€™ve got a double flexativeโ€

by Wobbly wagon wheels July 8, 2019

Double dm

Double texting (but on like Instagram or snapchat), is when you dm a girl and she leaves you on read; and you're thinking that she must have been too busy or just doesn't know of your pure magnificence, knowing this, you decide to act.

She couldn't possibly NOT be interested, and in thinking this, being either being too dumb, awkward, or confident to know that she just isn't interested, you dm her a second time, very seldom will you succeed in getting anything back.

Pulling a double dm should not be attempted unless you are the modern Shakespeare guru of the direct message. To find out if you are... pretty sure a modern Shakespeare guru wouldn't start with "Hey" so if you did, chances are, you just aren't interesting and probably shouldn't try a double dm.

A third dm is the maximum level of dm's you can get away with in a row, exceeding this labels you as a thirsty gaping butthole and the Jehovah's Witness of the direct messaging world (for real stop knocking on her door). DO NOT ATTEMPT unless you are dm Jesus himself and have come back on the third text. If it is just the third "Hey" in a row, you'll need him bro

-"UGH, is that Clay again? That's the second "hey" in a row!"
-"OMG, he's pulling a double dm? And its "hey"? boriiiing..."
- "I know right?"

by Brolympian18 December 5, 2017

Double Nickel

N. Fifty-five miles per hour, origins in CB radio slang.

Speed limit comin' up is double nickel, my cornflake friend.

by Digs July 13, 2004

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Double click

Double click is a term meaning to place added emphasis or elaborate on a previously discussed point.

This term can often be heard in the technology or financial industries.

Maasha, Iโ€™d like to double click on this topic for a moment if we can.

by RightDistraction October 16, 2020

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