A psychological phenomenon where a chick is rejected by the mother duck due to an unwanted human interaction. Can be displayed in humans.
I touched her bag and now she wants me to buy a new one, it must be the duck effect.
The act of staying in your house and doing nothing but playing Destiny for hours.
He's suffering from the Kevin Effect. He's been inside his room for hours.
A naturally occurring phenomenon, whereby gentlemen with distinguished facial-hair become synced in their micturition cadence (commonly referred to as 'pee-time') The Tickel Effect is hypothesized to be an evolutionary means of driving awkward social interaction in confined spaces, thereby solidifying tribal bonds.
I've spotted Neal in the restroom nearly every time I've gone, must be the Tickel Effect in action!
Wearing two pairs of underwear, so if you crap yourself, it will not leak through.
Steve may say he wears two pairs of underwear for a snug fit, but Ant knows its really for the diaper effect.
The dumbing down of casual conversation to single phrases, words, and eventually to only grunt like sounds. It is likely for the purpose of farming Discord server XP or is a vain attempt to "return to monke."
I think they've been hit with the Shuv effect, they're all just spamming "nice" and "pog" instead of adding to the conversation.
Young naive women who in their past lives used to be more active sexually, suddenly they put an effort to act like "good" women in order to please panai's demands.
"After the panais effect I unfollowed all the men in my Instagram to seem like a woman who haven't went through a hoe phase."
When people hate you because you are truly a better person then they are. People hate you for being kind, more attractive, smarter or any similar virtuous quality.
“Stupid Flanders is half my weight and twice my age!” — Homer Simpson
Ex: “Attorney Brandt S. is such a horrible person and, was experiencing The Flanders Effect so badly, that he couldn’t even bring himself to speak to his kind, beautiful, intelligent client named Meg B.”