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Shitty Father

A father who moves to another country and leaves his children emotionally damaged and who can not see problems in themselfs. "Nothing wrong with me mate"

Fuck you shitty father

Sorry dude I'm dealing with shitty father problems

by How gay art thow May 24, 2022

Old Enough to Be Your Father

Used to emphasize how old someone is.

"How old is Jerry?"

"Old enough to be your father."

by Someone who kinda exists May 21, 2022

Aiden Gelston's Father

There is not much known about this guy accept he is a hard-working kind person and the father to Aiden Gelston. He may be really kind, but he is also really scary when you do something really bad.

Aiden Gelston: I got caught up at 12 by my dad and he whipped me with the belt!!!
Me: Oh no that's not good!
Me: Aiden Gelston's father seems very unkind, but you got to give some discipline somehow!!!

by GigaMan77 August 12, 2024

true father

A father who has always been there no matter what a father is a person you can always look up to.A true father cares about you , although a father may be a douche at some points he is trying to protect you.

True fathers are great

by Ana1492 February 20, 2018

Eskimo Father

One of your friends who has fucked your mother.

Hey Josh, I fucked your mom last night so from now on you can refer to me as Eskimo father.

by league fan July 20, 2013

The Father Ted defence

Catchphrase from the TV series Father Ted. When someone is caught stealing and they insist that the money was just resting in their account.

"Dave, can you give us an update on that guy who was abusing his power of attorney to steal from his grandmother?"
"Yeah, he was arrested and tried to use the Father Ted defence"

"really? how stupid does he think we are?"

by eveonline2017 April 8, 2024

Father Dioreo

A famous (or infamous, depending on who you talk to) religious healer who used sandwich-cookies to improve da overall mood of his less-than-chipper followers.

Father Dioreo may indeed have caused his parishioners to feel better --- temporarily, at least --- after gleefully chowing down on da crunchy brown-and-white-layered confectionery TREATS dat he fed them, but in da end they would have actually been **worse** off than before they partook of said "TREATment": not only would da candy have likely done little or nothing to actually reduce da underlying cause of their suffering, but also they would probably have gained weight and gotten cavities in their teeth!

by QuacksO June 22, 2023