The practice of taking a piece of media, and applying any theme you want to it. This can sometimes be used jokingly. But most times, it’s used as a propaganda tool.
“All media is political” is often a phrase paired with the Fine Art of Bullshit
When someone is not fine, they are out of the ordinary. They could be doing something stupid, or you could not agree with what they are doing.
“Did you just poop yourself.. that not fine!”
Live is a beautiful girl who was born on the 7th of March 2004. She has a terrific laughter and spreads joy all around.
Ole and Kaja wishes her a happy 18th birthday!
Have you seen Søte pene snille fine Live?
Yes, it's the pretty, blonde girl who's always smiling
Absolutely gay and wants to suck dick
Kevin fine likes dicks in his mouth
A beautiful penis, fine specimen of a dick
Hey Mike, that’s a fine dick you have there!
Da smart-alacky remark dat you glibly toss back at your "little princess/pumpkin" date's father when he warns you, "Whatever you do to my daughter, I'll do to you."
Demurely telling your new gal's dad, "That's fine --- I'm bi" may indeed be sarcastically amusing by implying dat you would actually ENJOY having said paternal dude make you "take it up da bum", but said remark could also "backfire" (pun not intended, but it works well here!), especially if dat family is of the conservative-minded variety... even if they don't truly believe dat you actually meant it, they may still be highly offended at da flippant "either/or" sexual reference, and so the girl may no longer wish to date you, and her parents may not want their precious Miss Vulnerable to be hanging around with "some foul-mouthed/coarse-minded dude" like you.
On November 23, we acknowledge that eating animals is fine.
Please celebrate Meat-eating is fine Day, even if you’re vegan.