Grand lake slang word for Crystal meth.
Jimmy went to go score some yawn-be-gone, but he couldn't get it on a float.
Me: Mom, he hit me!
Mom: Kyle, say you’re sorry!
*mom smacks Kyle into 4th dimension*
Slumber…oh that brother gone
When you leave lemon juice out too long and it goes rotten.
The gone off lemon juice tastes like acid.
A slogan used to describe someone who says one thing then says something else to contradict the last thing they said.
Keisha said she went to the store and went straight home and that’s all she did all, then she said she got called into work early and couldn’t go to the store. So her friend asked well which one it’s gone be.
When you leave the eggplant in the fridge for too long and it goes off.
The gone off eggplant smells stink.
BOO Gone Wild is being brought back from pre-Covid times. Have you ever gone to a BOO themed party before? BOO Gone Wild is the time to let loose with your favorite BOO members.
You better be going to BOO Gone Wild this year.