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The Hairy Pirates

The dopest-arse gaming cool clan that this earth has ever seen. They are so good, they will kick your arse.

Renegade-Gamers: "We really got our arses kicked by the Hairy Pirates.@

by thehairypirates March 2, 2004

3๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

dirty hairy

after sex jiz in girls pubs and use it as hair gel for pubic hairs.

I like anal and my name is aj.

by juan neago June 5, 2005

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Hairy Bank

Police Boi

The filth, the fuzzy muff, the pigs, the hairy banks

by Jim November 23, 2003

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Hairy smile

After performing an act of an Oral nature, one usually gets pubic hair stuck between one's teeth.

"Cracking Blow Job love, give us a hairy smile"

by Pete swinging meat November 18, 2004

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Hairy Jesus

A woman with a hairy vagina

Person 1: Man that woman is sexy

Person 2: Yeh, but she's probably a hairy jesus

by Eden Whetham July 30, 2008

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Hairy Canary

A fellow sporting a a newly formed beard. The term is used usually when one comes across a lad sprouting a few more whiskers than usual as he has forgotten to wrangle a razor for a couple days.

"You're a bit of a hairy canary today, Jacko"

by monkee October 12, 2004

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hairy hobo

a hairy hobo is a homeless person who cant afford a cheap and nasty little shaver and is covered in hair. remember never go near a hairy hobo you will die of the smell it smells like 2 year old pieace of dog crap.

kick that gay hairy hobo until he nearly dies then throw him out of a helicopter (if you want to touch something so bad)

by tomlang April 8, 2007

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