Lit brown populated school in bay area. Hot ppl
Boy 1 : Bro that girl from Homestead Highschool is sooooo finee
Boy 2 : Of course she is fine, she goes to homestead
A school in Irvine California that sucks hot ass and where fuckers who can't spell "university" go. Everyone who goes here has no more than 3 inches and enjoys hot gay sex with men
"yeah I heard John just went to university highschool"
"I'm sorry for his loss, he's gonna have to felch soon"
sussy amogus high school is the school bulega goes to in every school episode. bulega is a famous youtube the school is a discord server the most famous ones are... the kahoot ones .
belugea goes to sussy amogus highschool
When you have a girl/boy that you talk to attractively in each high school in your county or district
Emman is a highschool flirt hopper, I see him with a different girl every time we play a different school for basketball
At bhs your either a white red neck, racist, or a fugly girl who thinks she’s hot. there’s not a single black kid because we kill them before they step foot in the door. bhs is the only place where girls will blow their cousin in the bathroom and then take anal from their teacher. the bathrooms are disgusting and filled with fent leaning imbreds with needles sticking out of their arms. if you make it out of the bathroom you walk 3 feet and realize there’s a fucking fist up your ass because the teachers don’t let you do anything. bhs is the only place where every single one of the sports teams suck and multiple coaches have domestic violence charges. this is the kind of place you send your fat white imbred down syndrome son with 3 eyes to, just for them to know more than the teachers
Yo your sister goes to bayfield highschool right?
Yeah i fucked her in the bathroom last week
Don’t ever speak to me again
The most historical school located in Omaha, Nebraska. Good luck trying to use the bathroom during passing period. Omaha Westside Highschool calls us ghetto but take their homecoming pictures downtown. A school full of fake bitches, dudes that try and act mysterious and nonchalant, teachers who fuck other teachers and security guards who take carts and give em to their friends. 60% of the students don't attend regularly. We need to stop pretending like our football team is good.
person a: "did you hear that ____ is pregnant from omaha central highschool"
person b: "no fucking way, i just let her hit my vape"