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Hip to your groove

An old saying used by golden oldies (ur parents) meaning "cool" or in some cases "not cool" in other words never use this its social sucide!

Kid: Anyway it just wasn't worth the money i HAD to pay....
Parent: So it wasn't hip to your groove?"
Kid: *WTF?*

by Ladi DC January 28, 2009

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Hip Hop Time

(n) a system of time that is offset to make people consistently late by aprox 60 minutes. the timezone and numerical values for the time are the same but the execution of appointments is such that people seem to exist in a parallel world that is always behind everyone else.

I told Franklin to be here at 8:00PM but he just got here and its 9PM already. I guess that is because he is on hip hop time.

by Big Daddy Bling Bling March 30, 2012

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hip-hop high

the state in which one cannot compute things as quickly because they are concentrating on listening to hip-hop or rap.
when people are hip-hop high, they tend to put words in the wrong places in sentences, spell words in the complete wrong way, or make other grammatical errors.

hip-hop enthusiast: dude, that cool was gangster flow homework english test beats.
other person: wtf? take the headphones off!
hip-hop enthusiast: oh sorry, i'm so hip-hop high right now, just copped this new Talib Kweli tape.

by Mr. Replacement December 16, 2008

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Nz Hip Hop

New Zealand Hip Hop; HipHop (Rap or other) that originated from New Zealand.

-Scribe put nz hiphop on the map!

by Noooooop Aka IronGiant aka Dim October 5, 2007

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hip hop police

Police hired by the snitchin-ass-nigga 50 cent to follow the game because Curtis Jackson is a rat.

"Da hip hop police are on my dick so I can't kill 50 cent, GGGGG-UNOTTTT" -The Game

by goolash August 3, 2006

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Hip Hop Conservative

Hip Hop Conservatives are the dispossessed/disgruntled classicists who desire a return to the golden days, often the 90's, and latter 80's; when hip hop was "real."

Hip Hop conservatives, just like their political counterpart, are very weary of change in hip hop culture and technical practice. They often parade on the YouTube's, gaining popular support in the comment section by either, a: openly criticizing a fairly new video or song; and (or) b: by openly appealing to when hip hop was "real" claiming hip hop has "sold out."

"MAN, this song is ASS. I remember when hip hop was REAL in the 90's. I wish music went back to those days. I'm a hip hop conservative, yo."

by con-do April 16, 2011

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joined at the hip-hop

Inseparable friends due to mutual affinity for hip-hop.

Son to ma: "Bobby gave me this gold record with samples from De La Soul and we just poured over his hip-hop vinyls like all day."
Ma to son: "Sounds like you and this Bobby are joined at the hip-hop."

by @Bugyack October 21, 2013

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