Jeremy is a guy that I like but he doesn't like me back because I'm too young for him. He's cute ya but he doesn't value me anything but just a girl who he accused me of being a hoe for applying red lip balm, and he thought that I was trying to seduce him, but that's false. Oh my god!
Anyway, he's a cool one and cute too.
Person 1: hey that guy Jeremy is cute
Person 2: yes, definitely
This is Jeremy type 1. If you have a Jeremy like this, good! Keep him in your life, because he's a Jeremy type 1.
This Jeremy can be recognized if he has fluffy hair, beautiful eyes, and a cute smile. If you dig deeper, Jeremy type 1's are caring, and are always pushing to make his friends happy. He puts his friends before himself, and is very clever. He might not have the best grades, but when it comes to logic, he's very very street smart. He seems cold or blunt at first, but softens up and gets real goofy when you get to know him.
Towards Jeremy Type 1's Significant Others, they show their true colors to them. That is only if they trust their SO and are comfortable with them. If they trust them and are comfortable with them, they will turn into teddy bears, and will always be craving their SO's attention, even if it doesn't seem like it.
Jeremy Type 1's also really like sweet drinks.
Jeremy Type 1's are the sweetest type of Jeremy.
"Wow who was that? He was so funny and seemed to really like you."
"That's a Jeremy! He's a Jeremy Type 1."
"Oh that explains it."
He is a guy that is hot af🥵 and is fawking smexy af😋. Most girls will be flocking around him, but he'll only want one.
Girl 1: awww here comes Jeremy
Girl 2: I wish he would be mine<3
Girl 1: yeah but he only wants you-know-who
He probably had a bunk bed and raps the same terrible song over and over.
‘’OMG, he has no music taste and probably has a bunk bed, he’s such a Jeremy’’