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X._.emz._.x (junkie)

Emz you are a junkie

by your a goth December 29, 2022


A drug user who uses opiates. Someone who does heroin, blues, methadone, etc. The person must be actually addicted and expierence withdrawal when not using to be considered a junkie, weekend users are not given the title unless someone has no idea what they’re talking about.

Junkies usually do shady shit and rarely have a job unless their habit started while they were working—they’ll be jobless soon without fail almost no matter what.

This is more of a general term for someone but is distinctly different from being called a “fiend” which basically means you’re a junkie but really down bad and basically doing whatever you can just to scrape together a couple pennies for a single blue, all day every day.

Junkies are down bad, but haven’t typically hit rock bottom yet. We have other names for those people.

Dude, if he was a junkie he would be going through withdrawal right now.

by KeyLimeElf February 27, 2024


A selfie of one’s genitalia.

He sent me a junkie, and I was quite impressed by his massive member.

by CZilla March 1, 2019


A feral cunt, or someone that goes to McGuire or Alex dayley

Wow look at Alex the junkie

by Alexisajunkie June 18, 2019



Christian is a junkie.

by Blazifyyyy May 30, 2018


Dickheads in all ADIDAS gear and fanny packs. Caps that are lower than their eyes. Bandana masks. They walk like theyre legs are broken and are always tilting their head. Using 1 inch flip blades as weapons

Look at that "junkie" walkin all limp

by GOOFY351 May 8, 2020


Somebody with the worst kept secret drug habit.

If the guy people had called a junkie 10 years ago had been any good at keeping his drug habit hidden from family or anybody else, nobody would have ever known he was a junkie at the time (or known about the extent of his drug use).

by Solid Mantis December 3, 2020