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firm and stable in shape; not liquid or fluid.
"the stream was frozen solid"

i love liquids!
dont be a liquid!

by Emma Bethany May 24, 2021



The one guy would bring somebody a cup of water, and people would applaud him for it, but the other guy would bring somebody a cup of water and people would call him an idiot, they would say he wasnt liquid enough about it, he needed to be more liquid about it.

by Solid Mantis June 10, 2020


Used to describe something that is seen as a great choice or decision.

That song is really liquid!!!

by CornyMan69 April 10, 2021


Liquid - the feeling that something is pure euphoria and is the best thing since sliced bread.

I tell you what boy, these carlings are going down liquid in here”

“It’s getting lively in here”

“I know mate it’s liquid”

by Pintsandpintsofcarlingextra March 17, 2020


Typically a state of a molecular structure, such as water. It is not hard like a solid or invisible like a gas. It is flowing. Unless you are some sort of wizard like Harry Potter or some shit. Where you can like make water into a solid. If only there were a way to make water a solid.

Her vagina had a lot of liquid inside it

by Big_Dick_Prick April 11, 2018

Liquid Filth


I found a can of Pepsi in the back of the fridge and I drank it. It tasted like liquid filth.

by TidePodIngebrigtsen69 November 27, 2016

Liquid Orchestra

The act of sharting, farting, or quefing into a musical instrument to preform a song.

James was preforming a liquid orchestra when he coughed, ruining the song. James is sad.

by KonKopple August 4, 2016