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very gay for guys named jason

girl: are they dating
other girl: yes its nate and jason

by ssexyboiiiiii February 10, 2020


Nate is one of those people that you meet once and never forget about them. He is the most attractive guy you will ever meet. He has wavy dark hair, the most beautiful gray/green eyes, a really sharp jawline, soft lips, muscles, he even has tattoos on his arms. Everything about his appearance is amazing. He is such a flirt, he will flirt with whoever is around (no joke), he is always lightening the mood by being funny, and he almost always starts singing out of nowhere. He is also really great at singing. He seems like the perfect guy to anyone who met him that one time.

Person 1: "I was hanging out with Nate the other day"
Person 2: "Omg really? You must've had the most amazing day of your life!!"

by Someonewhodidnthaveachance August 16, 2020


Nate is a bri'ish moderatour from the stoarving oartist discourd survur. ous you can see, he is bri'ish wich means he says a bao of woa and peta paka. he toalks alot in vc's and plays alot of robloux.

Nate is british

by TonyLeFunny April 21, 2022


Lowkey gay but fun to hang around yk

Yo who is that cool gay guy in class
Oh... That's Nate!!

by k.j.lol February 27, 2025


a guy who likes to eat alot of junk food and sit at home all day, yet he isn't the best at games

Why is that guy a no-life? , he is a Nate afterall

by TheDoctor2314 March 13, 2017

1👍 1👎


He has the most amazing hair his body is in amazing shape he has his own way with the ladies and is a amazing friend he is so funny and is truly a god hes has a brother that he loves to play games with and play sports with and is in general a

great great great guy

Girl 1 Nate is so hot
Girl 2 i want to be with Nate

by Terminator_2002 February 9, 2021


The best dude you will ever meet, no matter what he still tries to be nice and caring, he may be soft inside but acts tough and funny and dorky in the best ways. He starts blushing a lot and acts a bit more dorky and smiles the perfect smile when he loves you. He's also the best kisser and gives the best hugs too! Everyone loves a Nate....

Girlfriend: You're such a goofy one, Nate

by RandomStuff_MakeYaLaugh October 16, 2019