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Tennessee Peanut Butter Finger

When you try to finger a girl for the first time and instead finger her ass hole.

Mike tried to finger his girl friend and instead earned his first, Tennessee Peanut Butter Finger.

by Hank McCdoogle November 1, 2020

peanut butter eater

When someone licks the shit stains out of your underwear.

Tony is a peanut butter eater.

by Fagbag6969 March 1, 2016

Peanut Butter Person

The type of person who is extremely musty and has a distinct type of smell. Typically also thinks they’re funny when they’re just loud and smelly.

what’s the wretched smell ?
smells like a Peanut Butter Person to me

by ball destroyer February 3, 2022

Crunchy peanut butter mohawk

When you go to pee in an upward motion and squeeze to hard, resulting in a poopy accident. Due to natural instinct butt cheeks are clinched immediately causing a Mohawk like shape to the feces. With the rough texture and light Carmel color of the Mohawk, it gives a crunchy peanut butter look. The first and only crunchy peanut mohawk incident was during fall of 2022 by a gentlemen named Grant Parker.

Oh my golly! I think I just released a crunchy peanut butter mohawk

by aidangreen January 4, 2023

I smell like peanut butter

In video games being so sweaty that you start to smell like peanut butter. Coined by Miggitymaan while playing Tarkov/DayZ/ and Gang Beasts

I'm so sweaty, I smell like peanut butter...

by Miggitymaan June 2, 2022

Peanut fudge butter fuck

When you fuck a monkey.

Woah man I’m a dog ass nigga PUBG and I’m bout to peanut fudge butter fuck with a fatty fat fat fap fap.

by EddieBrock5 October 23, 2023

Peanut Butter Banana

When you put your penis in a butthole and pull it out, then you have a peanut butter banana

I asked my husband if I could put his peanut butter banana in my mouth after he got done hitting me from the back

by Fat Boy Marco March 2, 2022