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slap af

A person, food, or thing that sounds good, delicious, or strongly desired as fuck

Man, chicken wings sound slap af right now

by Peanut deah February 5, 2018

llama slap

When you slap someone with both backhands at the same time on both cheeks

that kid just hit on my girlfriend so i llama slapped his ass!

by Jayyzee November 2, 2010

kipper slap

For a female to sit on your face without knickers while your unaware or asleep

Once he’s asleep I will kipper slap him

by Collying65 May 16, 2020

Mammy Slap

- Slapping your partner's face with your breasts in a side-to-side manner.

We were progressing northbound when she Mammy Slapped me and my freaking molar popped out. Spent the next few minutes scrambling around looking for my tooth on the futon before re-banging.

by pribulkatwins October 2, 2010

Stratton Slap

When a young gentlemen from Stratton, Swindon takes a beautiful lady out on a date. In the car on the way home he opens her legs, puts the first arm in, second arm in, both legs and proceeds to give birth to himself landing in the footwell of the passenger seat.

“How did you first date go mate?”
“Amazing, gave Sandra the Stratton Slap in the car on the way home”

by Stratton Slapper January 6, 2023

Prince Slap

Slapping someone just like Will Smith did Chris Rock at the Oscar’s

If someone is talking shit to/about you in your face you can reply with “Keep talking and ima Prince Slap you”

Past tense “Dang “insert name” just got Prince Slapped”.

by Urban Lag April 12, 2022

Aroma Slap

The feeling of being slapped in the face with a person's smell prior to them actually arriving.

Julie: "Oh my god, what is that smell???"
Janet: "I don't know, but is that Joe coming over?"
Joe: "Hey, how you ladies doin?"
Julie: "Thanks for the aroma slap Joe. What is that, Axe body spray or something?"

by Faulken May 10, 2011