Source Code

short bus

1) An individual whose sexual performance does not meet desired time length standards
2) In fact, reaches minimal time length standards
3) Like, you leave asking questions like, "No seriously, are we done?"

*Note* Does not necessarily imply that the size of the male in question is not satisfactory. A short bus can be big, but it's still short.

1. "Hey dude, how was the ride on the short bus?" "Short."

2. "Did you take a ride on the short bus?" "Yeah, it already came and left."

3. "Hey so I was thinking about banging this guy" "No dude, you do not want to take a ride on THAT short bus."

by ASK.UVIC January 19, 2011

15๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

School bus

1. Unmistakable vehicle of ominous size in which you are watched and monitored for the entire ride.

2. Cramped space that smells like shit where you are forced to be as a mode of transportation to hell.

3. Fastest and easiest way to lower self esteem and be judged, where you will find the crappiest way to die because of reckless half asleep bus drivers and idiots that should wear potential fire hazard signs! A fun educational experience that is always an hour or five late or early!

In the bus the boy threw a water bottle from across the bus at your head!

The windows were closed in late june!

You sat on the aisle, and got your stuff thrown out the window, he made you trip on the way out on purpose!

The school bus passed your stop and never turned back, the next day it was half an hour late and the last day it was so early it didn't come at all!

by Aislyn Demure April 6, 2011

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Bus Craft

Homework completed on a bus. Originated in England (2005).

This homework is 'bus craft'.

by Anonymous Passenger October 12, 2005

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Bus Walk

The awkward hobble to your seat on the local transit system after getting on. It's staggered and disjointed as the bus driver does not wait for you to seat yourself and instead speeds off to the next stop.

1. As I was putting my pass away, the bus driver sped up and I bus walked right into the pole.

2. I got up early for my stop and bus walked into the door, much to my embarrassement.

by Bus Walker October 7, 2007

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Lu Bu

the most cool ass fighter against the han dynasty and the most bad ass of em all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lu bu:''i am the bad ass''

by killaz 99 August 12, 2003

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Bus Driver

An individual of greater skill, knowledge, or talent who unambigiously dominates over an individual or group. A bus driver is so named because he/she takes everyone to school (See "Schooled").

I tried to drive the lane on that big brother, but damn it, the bus driver took the whole team to school.

by filmchild February 25, 2004

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Monkey Bus

The mini-bus the the window lickers go in everyday. Usually has helpers inside the sit the retards down, they are known as Monkey Guiders.

Another day passes by, as another Monkey Bus rolls past, with dribble hanging out of window.

Hey!!!! If you don't shut your mouth, you'll be riding the Monkey Bus to work!!!

by psyco jello September 12, 2006

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