What the singers on the auto-parts-store ad sound like they're having.
I loved hearing the "Oh! Oh! Oh!" auto-parts ads on TV... sounded like a pretty good deal to me! So I went to the nearest store and eagerly asked the female staffmembers if they wanted to share an O'Reilly orgasm with me, but all I received was assorted shocked indignation, and then I got kicked out of the store under threat of sexual-harassment charges... I don't get it... what gives???
When a writer uses an uncommonly known or used phrase or punctuation, that gives them a rush of dopamine from feeling smarter than the general public
I used a semicolon, in my last essay and oooh that gave me a Writers Orgasm
Orgasmic Suculation is when a woman has an orgasm and the partner sucks the fluid out of the vagina that is excreted during the orgasm and then swallows it all.
Megan: me and John finally tried orgasmic suculation yesterday! It was sooo hot.
John: I have herpes now.
When you are pooping whilst having fellatio performed on you and you reach climax sexually at the same time as you finish the poop.
My girlfriend gave me the best brown orgasm last night.
A Person who has experienced an orgasm with one or more other partners
It was a really great night because she had her first romantic orgasm with me.
An orgasm that is achieved when you hit a clitoral climax and a g-spot orgasm at the same time.
Last Night was so amazing. He fucked me so hard while I touched myself and I had a blended orgasm!
When you laugh so much you orgasm
“Oh my god that’s so funny I might have an Laugh Orgasm”