Tired of the khardasians or however you spell it
Y’all seen dem khardasians
Yeah I’m bout khardasianed out
A term when you leave after fucking bitches and smoking weed, pretty much after having a bomb ass time‼️
Mason and Pedro just got done dopin out
To 'Crotch Out' or 'Crotching Out' is when a female sits or slouches in an unladylike fashion (often for comfort reasons), with her legs akimbo and her crotch or vagina facing outwards.
It is more frequently seen on sofas, and in the presence of close friends/other females.
It is occasionally used as a mating display.
I'm just going to crotch out on this chair.
Look at her, crotching out over there.
Anyone who is high on meth and attempting to project (by project i mean clean, organize, alphabetize, disassemble, attempt to reassemble, categorize or just plain destroy in an effort to understand how it works or make it better) on the nearest computer, cell phone, disorganized bedroom or closet, bicycle, car interior or exterior, bathroom, squack box (box filled with random crap said tweeker has picked up during his/her many useless hours spent high) or a garage.
Holy shit Martha did you see how squacked out that guy was? I think that was an old 8 track he had disassembled on his front lawn.
When in prison, someone turns you in for an offense (either real or fictional) in order to get you put in seg (administrative segregation). Usually done as an act of retribution.
Michele fucked Patty's bitch and Patty found out, so Michele knew a cross out by Patty or one her friends was coming that could land her in seg for 60 days.
reffers to someone who is completely and utterly unable to hang in social situation. sometimes segregating themselves entirely before events just to try and save face.
to bow out of an otherwise social activity (shots, thc smokage, beer can shotgunning..)
to agree to something until date (or time) of promise only to have change of heart and suddenly neglect responsabilities.
friend 1: where is Andrew at? i thought we were all taking shots
friend 2: pfft, that guy.. he's booning out
can also be used as an adverb
friend 1: i thought Moe was comming to the show tonight?
friend 2: what can i say? dude booned out