An emergency term used by those engaged in fisting when a quick withdrawal is needed. Takes its name from the shape the hand is in when removed with the fingers like the tentacles of the squid.
Shit, shit, Mary! Squid out! For God's sake, squid out!
Boy 1: Why are you so tired today?
Boy 2: I'm all fappered out from last night!
To agree to go to a certain event and at the last minute, decide that you can't go for whatever reason.
Harry: I thought Pat was coming over.
Randall: Nope, he decided to Dwyer Out.
a magical chant originating from the early bc, a few years before christ was born. this sacred ritual chant was only to be used in dire circumstances, as its power was inviolable. this chant was never to be used under any conditions, but the early 21st century has not been let loose from the curse of this unforgiving chant.
guy 1 - sridaa out, sridaa out
A house party that gets shut down by the cops.
"This party's getting too big. It'll be jaked-out any minute now."
Staying in your own lane not worried about nobody else
I like Josiah he minds his own business, he stays out the mix
Prison slang meaning the guard is coming
Inmate: Hey man keep lookout while these two fight
Lookout: yells "jigger out!"
Inmates: run back to their cells