A cold root is when someone gets a root for shits and gigs with an ugly chick
You should get a cold root. What's that. Well its not a hot one.
The poor man's Mug Root Beer for when you just want a large-ass $1 infinitely refillable cup from McDonald's to sit down with in the bathroom drinking enough root beer to be consistently pissing into and flooding the urinals from 3 feet away, destroy you kidneys and ruining everyone else's McBathroom experience
You know, I'm a mug fan, but damn, on any good day Barq's Root Beer's the SHIT
During fellatio, when the women/giver of said fellatio puts top and bottom teeth on the member at the bottom of the down-stroke and then drags the teeth down the shaft on the way back - giving the sensation that skin is being peeled like a potato
Had to put the brakes on last night - normally I like getting a BJ but she either has a small mouth or lockjaw because she kept peeling the root and it started to hurt!
When lying on your back the woman sits on your erection and it goes in her ass
My girl gave me an American tree root last night and we both enjoyed it.
A term of endearment for someone you go to for casual sexual encounters. Essentially a relationship with little or no commitment of sorts, but with ability to give them a root at there request in return.
Also relates to people of a promiscuous nature
AKA - Fuck buddy
AL: - "Are you still seeing that root bag ex of yours?"
Me: " Yea, we did it backwards froggy style last nite."
AL: " You are such a Playa. "
Community Roots Academy is a large public school. In World War One, Two and Three It was used as an Air Force Base. Most people that attend this K-8 school are either Nazis or Germans. A lot of people come to this school to see what it was like in WWIII. On average, this school gets bombed about 30 times a year. But the amazing part is that only 3532 people have died from the bombings! All of the teachers at Community Roots Academy tried to get into art school but failed. Most teachers work for the German Government now. If you want to send your child here, send them with an M16 and an Assault Rifle. An acronym is most commonly used to refer to the schools name. The acronym is CRA.
"Im gonna go to Community Roots Academy"
-No one ever