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chocolate squats

Black man standing over white female in downward facing dog dipping his dick in her as he squats kinda like Oreo dipping in milk

Hey bro what's up with those legs? Looks like you been working out!

Oh dude I just been doing my chocolate squats with the wife.

by CR1986 June 5, 2017

Mob Squat


A group of people simultaneously take a communal expulsion from their rectums. Can last an long time, be painful, and unproductive.

When unhappy with the status quo, people gather in a Mob Squat to unleash their frustration.

by Morons Are Really Pathetic February 2, 2012

Squat sand

When your at the beach with a large group of people and you try to show off your amazing squats and get sand all over your booty, and the sand doesnt come off for 2 weeks so your booty is all sandy and itchy. When it happens everyone makes fun of you for being stupid and pulling a squat sand

what is your problem squat sand isn't cool anymore

by booty-booty January 28, 2018

bottle squat

A fecal encounter into a bottle.

Charlie bottle squatted on the side of the road because he could not find a Burger King.

by hayday_73 January 23, 2015

jump squat

A jump squat, jump-squat, or jumpee is arguably the most painful exercise that involves keeping a straight back while bending your knees to a ninety-degree angle, and then jumping. It is about 2x more painful than a burpee and is often used as a punishment or exercise for rowers, along with an erg. Side effects may include vomiting, excruciating pain, numbness in legs or paralization.

Coach: OK guys, only 6 by 60 jumpees then you can go home!
Rower: Crap! I hate jump squats!
Coach: Don't forget the milk crates to make sure you get that ninety-degree angle!

by 'Piduh-ma'an!!! October 25, 2015

Squat Chug

to drink large volumes of liquid in a deep squat position; typically, said liquid has significant force or pressure (examples: fire hose or hydrant, display fountains, geysers); the deep squat is needed to lower the center of gravity and handle the volume and force; no guarantee the human body can handle a squat chug

Risa doesn't always drink water. But when she does, she squat chugs a geyser.

by MoBigsley August 7, 2015

Squat Toilet

A toilet design used mostly in Japan and Asia. To use it, remove your pants, then squat over the pan and poop.

I just learned how to use a squat toilet!

by Dongnugget December 24, 2020