Source Code

Code Brown

Intending to pass gas, but defecating in one's underpants instead.

Oops, he ran to the men's room 'cause I think he's got a Code Brown in progress!

by ~Bloopenguin~ January 3, 2007

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Jew Code

n., Used in reference to something that is unfairly obtained to gain an advantage to win.

Dude you used the jew code to win that game.

How the hell did you win that you must have used a jew code to get it.

by JtotheFtotheD February 5, 2009

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billy's code

A series of codes starting with the Baconian Cipher. This code is written backwards into the Pigpen's Cipher, each section individually written backwards. For example, the tic-tac-toe portion starts with QR and ends with AB (written from left to right). The X portion starts with YZ and ends with ST (written clockwise). The code itself is not written backwards only the Pigpen Cipher.

Billy's Code
A=***** G=**BB* M=*BB** S=B**B* Y=BB***
B=****B H=**BBB N=*BB*B T=B**BB Z=BB**B
C=***B* I=*B*** O=*BBB* U=B*B**

D=***BB J=*B**B P=*BBBB V=B*B*B

E=**B** K=*B*B* Q=B**** W=B*BB*

F=**B*B L=*B*BB R=B***B X=B*BBB

by Xxxxb May 16, 2014

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Code Rainbow

Goes hand in hand with the homometer. When the homometer reaches epic proportions, a Code Rainbow is announced.

Upon announcing a Code Rainbow, all straight males must cover their asses and run.

"Homometer rising, sir! CODE RAINBOW!! CODE RAINBOW!!!"

by Brian Blake December 9, 2003

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Blood code

Enter the following code at the Options Screen....

A - B - C - C - B - A

Then when you fight the fighters will bleed

by MetaPaladin November 3, 2003

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bro code

Conversation that friends have that only they can understand, many times this is used when describing other surroundings when opposite sexes are around, a distinguished lingual that is understood by each party as a set meaning, language that can be many words or just a few that have meaning, this language can also be taps, hand shakes, winks, nods or other forms of body language

Bobby saw this real hot girl standing with her friend, looked over at James and flapped his arm as bro code, telling James he needs him as a wingman

by Anthony Kranz August 26, 2007

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shot coding

Shot coding is when a computer programmer takes a shot of whiskey when errors appear when the programmer is debugging a computer program.

If the programmers who wrote Windows ME practiced shot coding they'd die of alcohol poisoning.

Shot coding is one way students at MIT get through their freshmen year.

by Michael Israel September 24, 2006

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