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Bit under the weather

Feeling sick or unhealthy.

I'm feeling a bit under the weather. So, I'm not comin' to office.

by Arun Prakash September 13, 2006

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save a little bit

the saying the save a little bit squad started by jeeve have been using everyday for the last 2 years. save a little bit is commonly used for smokein weed. do you want to save?

do you wanna save a little bit?
-just a little bit

by jeffrey bjorkman February 18, 2008

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Two-Bit Mathews

Two-Bit Mathews is a very underrated character from The Outsiders. He loves chocolate cake and Mickey Mouse. He always stands up for and protects his friends because they’re really like his family. He loves cracking jokes and causing trouble. He didn’t have enough screen time for you to really get to know him but in the time he did have he stole your heart for his personality and good looks.

Two-Bit Mathews is funny, caring and gorgeous once you get to know him.

by Insta-@the.outsiders.edits75 January 25, 2020

Magical Lady Bits

A pussy so unbelievably fantastic that it defies all reason and logic. There are very few like it. A woman’s hotness plays no role in its power.

She had magical lady bits, which literally sucked the cum out of me in 10 seconds.

by JayStiel July 6, 2018

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8-Bit Tit

A very small titty, aka an Itty bitty titty.

Did you see that girl? She has no chest, she has an 8-Bit Tit.

by Mememeistro December 20, 2016

Carrying a bit of Timber

The art of carrying excessive weight around the body

Mate: "Seen that lass over yonder?"
Me: "Aye, she's carrying a bit of timber"
Mate: "Bet she don't sweat much for a fat lass"

by bobspike May 20, 2014

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Little bit touched

used to describe someone who is not quite right in the head

Person 1: Blair's upstairs bragging to his female co-workers that he has VIP tickets to Sexpo

Person 2: So?

Person 1: He's offended that they're treating him like a dirty old man

Person 2: That Blair's a little bit touched isn't he

by J-Banger July 29, 2009

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