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Running with the Bulls

To operate a motor vehicle (most often a Harley) on a public street and/or highway while intoxicated and/or high, in close proximity to (beside) a vehicle(s) operated by law enforcement personell instead of looking for an alternate route.

I smoked a big fatty and had a few Jack and cokes then Ran with the Bulls all the way through town.

by Hadyomama June 8, 2005

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thirstbuster run

A thirstbuster run is when one or multiple people at usually late / random hours get the sudden urge to travel to the circle-K convenience store and buy and consume thirstbusters, cheap 44 ounce sodas.

12:00 A.M, two people zoned out on the couch.
Person 1:"I'm in the mood for a thirstbuster, wanna make a thirstbuster run?"
Person 2:"Sure"

by Samulus Wolfgang Maximus January 1, 2010

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Demon's Run

When good men go to war.

The doctor made a demon's run in season 6 episode 7

by MarkerXDFL January 8, 2012

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Mile Run

A Gym test that's worse than the FitnessGram pacer test itself. Basically, the moronic Gym teacher kicks your ass out onto the hot paved concrete, and demands you to run around the school (or somewhere else) 10 times. If you ran a mile in less than 7 minutes, congrats. But if you end up killing your legs for more than 11 minutes, then you're fucked up.

Liam: Bro, I just wasted 13 minutes of my life doing the mile run.

Jeremy: 13 minutes? What a slow bitch. I only ran a mile in 5 minutes.

Liam: So that's why I see you running down the streets like a retard everyday, blocking drivers from going to Chipotle.

by ThatOneDummy May 4, 2019

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nut and run

While running, drop your pants and aim. Starting wacking viciously and once near ejaculation, aim at your victim. Finally, bust a nut over your victim and get the fuck out of there.

Justin and Brandon: Awwwwshittt@#@@ look at Deni, he bout to do a nut and run. Deni: *Fap fap fap fap fap PEW PEW PEW* Random Chick: *SPEEERMREGARbLELELELL*

by BLACKMANJUICE November 25, 2009

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straylight run

a band that grew out of the ex-members of Taking Back Sunday. a mixture of Taking Back Sunday, Brand New, and Ben Folds.

john nolan is in Straylight Run

by imamoneenfreak November 20, 2003

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undie run

To run quickly out of your house (apartment, etc.) in your underwear to get something when it is not worth gettng dressed.

"The paper boy delivered the paper to my front lawn at 5 am, so I made a quick undie run to get it."

by randomhell February 7, 2007

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