Sexual intercourse in a portable lavatory. As there is only room for one occupant, the head of the receiving party must be submerged in the blue chemical liquid.
Soldier 1: Why is your face blue?
Soldier 2: I was the second man in and had to take a smurf plunge in order to accommodate for the lack of fuck space.
Soldier 1: That's fucked up, but at least you got some.
After you busted your nut and your load didn't shoot so it just sits on your penis tip like a smurf hat
Bro: "dude I just got done jacking off but I only managed a smurf hat"
Bro 2: "dang man. Maybe you should watch some better porn"
defines a person slept in wet pants and got blue dye on their pillow
Person 1: did you hear about person 3?
Person 2: Yeah, heard he woke up to smurf pillow
A person, generally a major asshole, that is such an asshole he would literally rob smurfs in their sleep. Who would rob the harmless smurfs?
That guy stole my wallet in my sleep at a party, after i paid for all the beer and food, where i fell asleep for a second, just shows everyone how much of a Smurf burglar he is, what an asshole.
A person, generally a major asshole, that is such an asshole he would literally rob smurfs in their sleep. Who would rob the harmless smurfs?
That guy's misogynistic comment just shows everyone how much of a Smurf burglar he is, what an asshole.
When your smurf becomes hungry and needs his daily bologna
I walcked into ,y dad feeding bologna to the smurfs. Someone please bleach my eyes
a totally sexy diminutive girl who is also an intellectual. the qualities are amazing head, a delicious butt, and plump thighs. they will usually not be able to resist fact checking or winning an argument.
That book smurf sucked my soul out of my **** then looked up the nutritional benefits of cum.