A name given to people by little ginger fags when they are destroyed, generally when some truth is laid out on the table.
The yellow giant fucking destroyed the little ginger fag with the l33t ass truth.
A mixed (black and white) person, especially those with significant yellow skin undertones.
That dude looking like a yellow pepsi.
Very similar to the blue thing in terms of how it looks and acts in which it whines and yells all the time
Anime fan 1: what your waifu mines is megumin
Anime fan 2: mines is the Yellow thing
Anime fan 1: your the type of person who think Sao and demon slayer are the best shows ever
Yellow Fawn:
A person that cowardly engages in attempts to confuse their lifelong mate while engaging in clandestine activities with members of the opposite sex.
Frank was married to that woman over twenty years killing himself to make that Yellow Fawn happy.
Synonym to "dark side", only relatable with asians mostly Japanese.
Peter: Here is my Naruto playlist, but don't say to anyone that I listen to it. It's my dark side.
Eliza: lol no, that's your yellow side
Tusionexx cough syrup.. very thick and delicious way to get leaned
Fixin to ride out to the plug house for some yellow grits
When you want to describe that you can smell piss everywhere or you can see it everywhere, you use Yellow Sky.
Person 1: Remember this place?
Person 2: I remember it had a yellow sky.
Person 1: What are your thoughts about last night walk?
Person 2: There was a yellow sky, So not really good.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Person 1: Do you want to revisit the city?
Person 2: Hell no there is a yellow sky in there.