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nigga flexing

wasting money on the latest trends

Look at them jordans, you nigga flexing

by E46drifter March 19, 2019

Flex Warrior

Someone who religiously plays flex because they are too much of a pussy to play solo/duo, but if they do decide to enter that realm they never play solo.

Oi, that Cringemod is such a flex warrior

by Oofan Bloberts March 22, 2021

Diva flex

Flexing one's muscles either literally or figuretively . Seems to be a practice common amongst celebrities of various ilks and persuasions.

1 Rhonda rowsey performed her diva flex by showing off her biceps just before the boxing match. 2 sly stallone did. His diva flex by arriving to the set in a golf cart and insisting that none of the crew look him in the eye or speak directly to him.

by 4realazitgits March 26, 2021

calf flexing

A guy flexes his calf's to get rid of his erection

Tim and Sam flex their calf's to get rid of there growing erections. Calf flexing

by Danceywhre November 27, 2015

Menges Flex

When software support can fix a customers seemingly enormous problem with only a few lines of code- while the customer is on the phone-there by saving the customer a significant amount of time.

I thought it would take forever to fix my data base error, but support pulled a Menges Flex and I got on with my day!

by Bill C Lecter September 6, 2022

flex Seal challenge

The Incredibly Popular Internet Challenge in which participants attempt to completely seal their asshole tight, and then attempt to shit.

Bro, Did you see that sick flex seal challenge video by Logan Paul? it was almost as good as the forest in Japan!

by Mr. Huffman November 7, 2020


T-flex is the time standard when making or designing T-shirts that have musical bars or standards. When writing in T-flex time, you are not required to enter a time signature. This is because the user may read or sing at their own pace.

The designer used T-flex time while creating the t-shirts with musical notation integrated within.

by XtrUde64 September 22, 2023