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Wet waffle

When a sweaty anus is placed upon an unsuspecting nose for any duration of time.

DJay passed out from too much fireball, with his shoes on. So I wet waffled him.

by Waffle king May 18, 2019

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Spanish Waffle

The act of performing numerous sexual acts that are usually degrading to one or multiple of the participants.

Samuel, Betty, and Drew, performed a spanish waffle last night that resulted in samuel bleeding out of his anus and betty lying on the floor in tears.

by The True GalASSo June 29, 2010

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limp waffle

A vagina with over-sized fucking yuge' labia.

"Stacy has a limp waffle; you could tie that shit in a Windsor knot"

by erectilehubrus October 10, 2017

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Stud Waffle

An incredibly hunky or attractive man. Possessing desirable physical and social characteristics. A true man's man who is still capable of chivalry and taking care of a woman's needs.

Wow that guy over there is such a Stud Waffle. I bet he will show me a good time and remember to call me back.

My boyfriend is so lame... I need to go find me a Stud Waffle like Colin.

by Trogthemanchild June 10, 2009

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Waffle Dolphin


I stuck my waffle dolphin into a dolphin waffle.

by Quentin and Anthony January 12, 2011

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Waffle Hut

A place to meet and eat.

(Gawain MacSam) I can't believe you brought yo bitch to the Waffle Hut.
(Garth Pancake) What?
(Gawain MacSam) I can't believe you brought yo bitch to the Waffle Hut.

by Calvin Parry August 11, 2008

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toaster waffle

Those really neat things that you can buy almost anywhere in a box, that you bring home, put in the freezer, then take out in the morning and put one in the toaster and then let it toast. If you are a good toaster waffle maker, then your toaster waffle will not turn out squishy, like mine do. They come in many flavors, such as the plain type, chocolate chip, and...others that I can't think of. They are waffles, only smaller and not as good as the ones you could make with a waffle iron thing, but still good.

Person A: *takes toaster waffle out of package, puts in toaster*
Person LMNOP: Hey, toaster waffle!

by tashers April 27, 2006

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