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Water Warfare

Water warfare is everything to do with water fights. Most people have participated in one, but if you really want to pwn, sites like Super Soaker Central and iSoaker.com have lots of information.

In most water fights, you simply run around soaking each other, but water wars can have rules. Some common organized games are Capture the Flag, One Hit Eluminates, Assasins, and Dueling

The most common weapon in water warfare are water guns. Other wepons include water balloons and buckets/cups.

The most popular kind of water gun is the Super Soaker. These water guns used to be amazing, shooting up to 30 oz per second! But currently a line called Water Warriors is producing better stuff.

by sharkfrommars March 24, 2011

welfare water

40 oz of malt liquor

Me and Dequarius bout to get us some welfare water at the store.

by Deqarius69fortyozsippin May 7, 2020

Pirate Water

Water kept in a large glass bottle. When used correctly, it can reduce multiple trips to a sink or fountain. Great for social occasions because it looks fancy. Can be poured into smaller vessels or consumed right from bottle.

My friends and I shared a bottle of pirate water during a smoke session to prevent multiple trips to the kitchen.

by kiimosabe September 13, 2016

maple water

That leaky nose you have when its super cold outside!

Man, the maple water is really going this morning!

by Wapus270 January 1, 2014

Chill Water

A staple of ninth grade geometry teachers' diet, possibly spiked with vodka.

If the teacher doesn't get his Shaws brand chill water, he gets very, very un-chill.

by anonymousbraggart December 16, 2010

Mexican water


A need a lime for this Mexican water

by Brann January 1, 2020

mom water

Spiked seltzer, such as White Claw.

The yang to the yin that is dad water (beer).

Who took all the mom waters? I'm keto.

by th415 March 23, 2019