Leah wilson, a truly amazing girl, one who will bring light in the dark, one who brings joy in sadness, one who brings love in despair, men could only dream of a girl this pretty, her face, her hair, her body, all perfect, she is a one in a lifetime, she is beauty at its finest, she is talented in many ways, musically, she is smart, and can make you feel better in any situation, her smile the most beautiful you will ever see, her eyes, a dark brown, beautiful as they glimmer in the light, her hands as soft as a feather, she can put you right to sleep with her beautiful voice, she is intelligent as she is funny, only one could dream about her, you’d be lucky if you ever find a Leah Wilson.
A lightskin ugly bastard that thinks he’s good lookin but in reality he’s not he’s just a ugly lightskin he sucks at basketball and football and no one knows why he plays either one ... he is a junior in highschool and is still a Virgin he’s got no hoes and will never get laid...
Quinten Wilson is such a loser.
Rosie Wilson is an absolute brilliant character, if you buy her anything she won't repay you in materialistic things but rather with compassion. She is a shit lier, n tells the most cheesiest jokes and laughs at the most stupidest things. She loves St Bernards and Chinchillas. She normally will have a dad the doesn't shit sitting down rather hovering above the surface. Rosie Wilson will have a messy room that is sometimes clean and at most 4 fruit fly's in it. But all round Rosie Wilson is the most cuddliest girl, the most funniest, smartest and the most gorgeous round town. If you ever meet Rosie Wilson you better cherish it coz it could be your last.
P.S She has the best dog in the entire universe called Millie.
"Wow have you seen Rosie Wilson she's not all there"
1) Being autistic .
2) Stealing
3) Buying overpriced stuff and claims he's under the Financial Assistance Scheme.
1) why the fuck are u being so Wilson ??
2) John just Wilson-ed your money.
3) Hey! I just WILSON-ED a bag at Bugis Junction!
The guy in your group of friend that always makes an excuse to not hang out
“ I called mike to meet me for a drink, but that mother fucker wilsoned it and didnt show
An absolute ass. Throws bricks when he's angry, aimed at you. Every sentence he says contains 50 swearwords. Hits you so hard that you cry. Tries to impale you with a really pointy stick when he gets the chance. Someone who everyone hates.
"It's Wilson, run away quickly before he sees you,"
"Aah, it's Wilson with a brick!"
A group of little bitches, who try and start dead beef for no reason
Oh look, it’s those dumb Wilsons boys