When you lose your temper in your workplace when asked to do something when you are not ready
Jays been asked to move the lorry while he is still loading He has got yard rage now
A group of attractive females all sunbathing together
Once you get out of the pool take a look oat that CLAM YARD in the second row of lounge chairs
A group of attractive females all sunbathing together
Rotten Clam Yard meaning a group of ratchet hoes
Medical term used by young professionals to describe the great chlamydia outbreak on the Jersey shore during the summer of 2012
Once you get out of the pool take a look oat that CLAM YARD in the second row of lounge chairs
A grossly overweight person slowly moving/gliding/walking across land.
Wow—She’s a real yard barge now, I’m glad I f*ed her back when she was skinny and looked good!
When Ross Eric and Phil drink to much coffee and natter about the other members of the firm until the get caught by the head gaffer and have to carry on working being yardies with terrible dress sense and a passion for being late and unprofessional but at the same time being goofy yardie gangsta wanna be’s with a spotty neck and an obsessive personality.
Rah, that geez is such a yardie yard face. KMT
Jimmy is having a prison yard picnic with that other dude
Grown men having sex with other grown men
Jonathan and Matias are having a prison yard picnic