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staffmas do

a staff xmas do or.... do staff at xmas

i have too many!! well is must have 20 letters and at least 3 words, mass staff do...

by pseudo-nymph January 4, 2005

why do you care?

like really why?

dude I'm going to say this for the final time. why do you care? like really its just a word that's none of your business.

by EL SEXO GRATIS December 20, 2023

1👍 1👎

First we drink the coffee then we do the things

This is a useful phrase for any situation. Memes depict actors or people drinking coffee, so it is applicable. One of the best is the bridge of the Starship Enterprise where Captain Kirk, Sulu, and the navigator are drinking coffee on their shift.

First we drink the coffee then we do the things. coffee

by MyComputerMan July 15, 2017

Do you know what?

Legend has it he still does not know what

I don't know why they wont let me change the plan. *long pause* Do you know what?

by TheBritishJack June 1, 2024

never do that

never do that

when they tell you

person 1: never do that
person 2: no! i wont

by Rashomon May 28, 2024