Although previously used as a derogatory term for women. It’s been reclaimed as someone who’s is “serving cunt” or looking fierce/hot/powerful. Cunt and slut are interchangeable nowadays after being reclaimed.
A: Did you see Jenny? She was serving cunt.
A term of endearment used in the UK for close mates/friends, mainly used in male social circles. Sometimes referred to as "cunty" as this often sounds nicer to some people.
"Alright, you cunt?"
"How's it going, cunty?"
A females genitals, its offensive to women.
Dude, you see her, a fuckin cunt man
Can be used as an insult and a compliment in Australia and the UK
It usually offends Americans
"Fuck off ya sleazy cunt" as an insult or "He's such a mad cunt" as a compliment
something that is cute and punk
grandpa chris, that leather jacket is so cunt man!
when something is cute and punk
Grandma: Omg the service was so cunt
Redcar: Thank you child, see you next Sunday