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Although previously used as a derogatory term for women. It’s been reclaimed as someone who’s is “serving cunt” or looking fierce/hot/powerful. Cunt and slut are interchangeable nowadays after being reclaimed.

A: Did you see Jenny? She was serving cunt.

by November 29, 2022


A term of endearment used in the UK for close mates/friends, mainly used in male social circles. Sometimes referred to as "cunty" as this often sounds nicer to some people.

"Alright, you cunt?"
"How's it going, cunty?"

by Badgi January 12, 2012


A females genitals, its offensive to women.

Dude, you see her, a fuckin cunt man

by k!S!M! February 12, 2016


Can be used as an insult and a compliment in Australia and the UK
It usually offends Americans

"Fuck off ya sleazy cunt" as an insult or "He's such a mad cunt" as a compliment

by Emmalleey April 29, 2023


something that is cute and punk

grandpa chris, that leather jacket is so cunt man!

by lumineuse_vicky February 7, 2024


when something is cute and punk

Grandma: Omg the service was so cunt
Redcar: Thank you child, see you next Sunday

by lumineuse_vicky February 11, 2024


Dave Slack

Oh Pete, I hear Hannah has a Cunt as big as Dave Slack

by CuntExpert March 13, 2018