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jack and bull

What your group mates or teammates usually do- half of them are doing jack shit, the other half are doing bullshit.

-Guys stop doing jack and bull
- No go away we are playing minecraft.
"rage quit"

by juju loves migirl April 16, 2020

Kobe jack

When a guy is edging for three days and finally cums and shoots a three-pointers

Did you hear how Alyssa made John Kobe jack

by Dumb_bitch_03 April 9, 2020

Flaccid Jack

A Flaccid Jack is when a male reaches orgasm but his penis is soft the whole way through.

John: Just did a Flaccid Jack to a Poison Toby video lol
Lucas: Send a pic

by DUNC3 March 1, 2025

Jack Pertile

A kind loving Christian

We need more Jack Pertiles throughout the world :)

by Papa Jpowpowpow February 20, 2022

jack asser

A person who feels the need to destroy everyone’s property for no reason other than because he’s an arse hole.

Did you see jerry at work yesterday breaking the boss’s shit? He’s such a fuckin jack asser!

by Jesus f’kn Christ July 23, 2021

Stupid ass jack

This nigga is an absolute dumbfuck. He gets 0 bitches and constantly hets bullied at school. Nobody likes him and the very thought of him grants displeasure. He leaves a trail of misery and idiocy every where he goes and has the iq of a carrot. Jack is the type of guy to call a boy with his girlfriend “sus” he thinks that everything is a meme and will t-pose at funerals. He’s an over shrimp dicked nigger who gets butt raped by every homesexial Pakistanis

Person 1: is that stupid ass jack?
Everyone: “kills themselves because of the thought of jack

by Negroslayer69 July 2, 2023

jack nims

An Asian boi who likes to say moist and has this weird one hand dance. Also has a large phopa.

Did you see that dude he was totally acting like a jack Nims.

by Datboiiiiiiiiiii12345678999999 November 15, 2017