Father of edging. Sneaks in at night while you sleep and administers a 7 skibiditoilet long edge sesh. Good edgees will not produce a wet dream. Naughty edgees will produce a wet dream or plural; wet dri.
Tony: Hey man! Papa Edge visit you last night?
Richard: No man you know me I’m the soaking type.
When chunky red blood comes out of a dick.
Grandma wants Papa’s Special Sause.
I pledge allegiance to the gut, of our lord and savior papa. To the poggers, for which I dab. One man, a sexy beard, 2 women, with the ability to out twerk them all.
Papa Pledge is poggers.
1. A time of crisis or need.
2. When you have a bad feeling about a certain moment that is about to happen.
"I'm bad at soccer, so my Papa John's Day of Reckoning is P.E."
A kids tv show with 2 handsome glob thingies, the wife is a nigger and the... the dad is pink? wtf? thats for girls bruh.
Its a dutch tv show
barba papa
man, i sure hate niggers
barba papa is epic
its the motorcycle that has the worst rpm rate and it is also the motorcycle that appears in almost every crime scene
Bro the pulsar del papa de Albi apeared in the bank robbery yesterday